How will pregnancy affect me mentally?

If you think you might be pregnant, it’s understandable that a lot may be going through your mind. Perhaps you’re wondering if you are ready or what to expect during pregnancy.  It’s wise to think about your whole-person health as you consider your options – make sure you know click here to continue...

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

Pregnancy tests are relatively easy to take and, for the most part, even the over-the-counter ones, are reliable. The key is knowing when to take one. When a woman becomes pregnant, her body produces a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) found in her blood and urine. No-Cost Pregnancy click here to continue...

How Do I Tell My Parents I Am Pregnant?

If you are unexpectedly pregnant while still living with your parents, or you’re still in high school or college, this is understandably a very vulnerable and scary time for you. You likely feel like your world has turned upside down, and worrying about how your parents might react to click here to continue...

What is an Open Adoption?

There are many misconceptions surrounding the adoption process. However, modern adoption practices offer unprecedented flexibility, giving women greater control over the process than ever before. Open adoptions make up the majority of adoptions in the U.S. today. An adoption being “open” means the biological family and the adoptive family click here to continue...

Pregnancy Center Near Plattsburgh, NY

Nestled in the picturesque Adirondack Mountains, Saranac Lake is the ultimate place to relax, unwind, and enjoy nature. With a fascinating history and a wide variety of activities, there’s something for everyone. Enjoy live music, locally owned eateries, and downtown strolls—all set across the picture-perfect backdrop of the Adirondack click here to continue...

What Do I Do if I Am Pregnant in High School?

If you think you’re pregnant and are still in high school, this can be incredibly daunting. This can change everything you had planned for your future.  Maybe you wanted kids but were planning to wait for a few years, or maybe you wanted to go to college, and this click here to continue...

Will I Pass STDs to My Child?

It’s possible to have a sexually transmitted disease without displaying any symptoms; however, just because you don’t show any signs doesn’t mean you cannot pass on the STD. It is also possible to transmit the STD to your fetus during pregnancy or delivery; however, with proper screening and treatment, click here to continue...

What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in College?

Without a degree or established career, an unplanned pregnancy can feel overwhelming. Maybe you wanted to be a parent one day, but not until you had accomplished other dreams first. If you’re still in college and facing an unexpected pregnancy, learn more about your options. By law, your school click here to continue...

Why Do I Need an Ultrasound?

When it comes to getting as much information as possible about your unexpected pregnancy, you need an ultrasound. This amazing imaging procedure uses sound waves to give you a real-time view of the inside of your uterus. Don’t skip this critical step. It’s safe, painless, and at AscentCare, available click here to continue...