3 Things Needed Before an Abortion

Abortion is a serious medical procedure, so it is imperative to prioritize your health. While considering abortion, it’s essential to get the screenings and tests listed below to confirm your decision and protect your physical well-being. 3 Things Recommended Before Abortion Before scheduling an abortion appointment, three things are click here to continue...

Is the Abortion Pill Safe?

If you’re considering your options for an unexpected pregnancy, you may be thinking about an abortion.  However, there are often under-represented risks and short-term and long-term side effects to the abortion pill you should know before you make a final pregnancy decision. What are the Side Effects of the click here to continue...

Will New York Medicaid Pay for Abortion?

Having an unexpected pregnancy can stir up a whirlwind of emotions. Feeling scared and unsure about what steps to take as you navigate choices that affect your health and future is normal. When faced with an unexpected pregnancy, many women might think that having an abortion is a quick click here to continue...

How Much Does an Abortion Cost in New York?

Several factors will affect the cost calculation of an abortion. You’ll need to consider factors like whether you’re traveling from out of state, whether or not you have health insurance, and the length of your pregnancy. The cost of abortion procedures can vary depending on the type of procedure click here to continue...

Where Can I Get the Abortion Pill in New York?

Read this article for recommended health screenings you should take prior to getting an abortion procedure. The abortion pill is FDA-approved through 10 weeks gestational age and can be accessed through a doctor or a local health clinic.  What are the Recommended Health Screenings? Abortion is like any other click here to continue...

STI/STD Testing?

If you are sexually active, getting tested for a sexually transmitted disease or infection is a crucial step to take to protect your long-term health. The CDC estimates that 1 in 5 people have an infection, although many are asymptomatic, so they may not be aware of it.  If click here to continue...

Reasons to Take Advantage of Free STI/STD Testing

For those wondering whether they have an STD, the waiting game can be agonizing. Luckily, there are community resources available that offer low-cost or even free STD testing. This is not only convenient but can give you peace of mind.  AscentCare offers STD testing for pregnant women who have click here to continue...

How Accurate Are STD Tests?

If you are sexually active, it’s essential to get tested regularly for a sexually transmitted disease (STD) since it’s possible to be a carrier without experiencing any symptoms.  No test is 100% accurate, but it’s crucial to get health screened for an STD. Read below to learn how STD click here to continue...

Will I Pass STDs to My Child?

It’s possible to have a sexually transmitted disease without displaying any symptoms; however, just because you don’t show any signs doesn’t mean you cannot pass on the STD. It is also possible to transmit the STD to your fetus during pregnancy or delivery; however, with proper screening and treatment, click here to continue...