Every abortion, whether executed through the pill or surgery, is a major medical procedure that should require thorough contemplation. The abortion pill poses many risks, including incomplete abortion, heavy bleeding, abdominal discomfort, or infection.

When ordering the abortion pill online, many safeguards to ensure your protection are bypassed. It is imperative that you understand the gestational age of your pregnancy prior to taking the abortion pill. Consumption of the pill after 10 weeks can lead to incomplete abortion or other serious complications.

Prior to having an abortion, schedule an appointment at our center. We will provide you with no-cost resources and testing so that you can move forward with confidence and safety.

The Abortion Pill, Explained

Two drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol, are taken separately, but they work together to complete an abortion.

Mifepristone thins the lining of the uterus and prevents the growth of an embryo. Then, misoprostol (the second pill) is taken, which makes the uterus contract and expel the contents of the pregnancy. The combination of these two drugs poses risks to women.

It is important to note that you may not be eligible for an abortion pill. Abortion pills are only available to women who are within the first 10 weeks of their pregnancy. The best way to determine how far along you are is to receive a pregnancy test and ultrasound at AscentCare Pregnancy Services.

Risks of the Abortion Pill

  • Incomplete abortion, which may need to be followed by surgical abortion
  • An ongoing pregnancy if the procedure doesn’t work
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding
  • Digestive system discomfort
  • Infection
  • Fever

What Are the Risks of Ordering the Abortion Pill Online?

There are many risks associated with this online purchase, and it is important to be aware of any potential side effects.

A few of the risks of ordering the abortion pill online are as follows:

  • Unverified chemicals in the abortion pills ordered online
  • Lack of a pre-abortion screening process, putting women’s health in danger
  • Unverified dosage, which could lead to an incomplete abortion and life-threatening effects
  • Unlisted risks and side effects from abortion pills ordered online since many online pharmacies are overseas and do not meet the FDA guidelines

The FDA has put guidelines in effect to protect women. Ordering the abortion pill online can bypass these safety measures and be detrimental to your health.

What To Do Next

Your health and safety matter. If you are completing an abortion and want to learn more about risks and all your options, we are here for you. We want you to have the resources and confidence necessary to make the best decision for YOU.

Schedule a no-cost, confidential appointment with AscentCare Pregnancy Resources today!